Have you ever felt that your joy was squashed, your creativity stifled or your voice silenced? What about feeling like something is missing that you're not really being who you were meant to be or do well in this episode, I talk about the, how and the why behind the producing of this podcast and what that means for you.
I got to tell you, this podcast has been in my head and on my heart for quite some time. In fact, I've revisited launching this darn thing over the past two years,
but for whatever reasons, it kept getting pushed to the back burner. So let's back up things just a little bit. My first career was in the broadcast and corporate video worlds as an award-winning video producer. I was good at managing projects, creatives and egos. After a great run as a video producer, I saw an opportunity to do something completely different,
a need that was in my community. You see my then 10 year old daughter was interested in drama and theater, but there just weren't any classes or lessons nearby for her to participate in. So what happens when an entrepreneur can't find a solution? She creates one of course, and that led me to creating a nonprofit youth arts Academy. And from that built a successful six figure after-school drama club program through all of this.
Unfortunately, I found myself in a Loveless non-supportive marriage that finally came to an end. Now, for those of you whose partners or spouses don't understand your entrepreneurial instincts and passions, I see you and I know how hard it can be. Now. I'm not saying a divorce is the answer, but for me it was freedom. What I realized that while in this relationship,
my joy and dreams were squashed. My confidence was constantly, and I wasn't supported in any of my efforts, dreams or goals, and that's really no way to live. So has it turned out of course was the best thing that happened for me. And it was finally time for me to shift the narrative in my head, my own head and channel my dreams, rekindle my passions and step into the person I was meant to be now as a person who loves to learn, I became very intrigued in the online space. What was it all about? I think this is a great way to scale a business. Could I actually do something like this? These were all voices that I was hearing in my head. Have you ever had that knowing feeling in your gut, that feeling of not wanting to settle for status quo, if there was, or is something grander a bigger impact to be made this unsettled feeling that there was something more rattles around in my entire being and I just can't, I can't shake it.
Whether you're 35 with three kids under the age of five or entering your second act of your life. My hope is that you'll find hope through these stories of women who are changing the narrative for themselves at any age, inspiration, inspiration, to dream, to see yourselves in these stories and really have a vision for what's possible for you and discovering or rediscovering your purpose.