Hi people! It's me, Lulu, back with another episode of Ball Gag. I can't believe this is only my second podcast of the year, but alas, bitches (me) stay busy. From the start of the episode to about the midway point, I relate two main points. The first: how happy and grateful I am to have so many comedy dreams coming true. The second: why the Super Bowl half time show meant so much to me. In this first half, I also discuss why I think friendship break-ups are more devastating than relationship break-ups, explore my childhood in a more unique way than before, and have an overall impassioned take on life. For most of the second half, I delve into another passion of mine: the band TOOL. While arguably a niche topic, I try to broaden the discussion by adding my thoughts on the state of rock music, the role of theatrics in concerts, and observations on rock/metal music fans. The last couple of minutes... Well, you'll see for yourself, but there's some introspection. AnYWay... I was very happy to record this episode and hope you like it as well.