Justin Frandson is an Athleticism Performance Coach that has worked with amateur and professional athletes for over the past two decades. He saw his athlete breaking down from the excessive levels of EMF from their SMART watches, wireless earbuds, and electric cars. He has tested hundreds of homes and clients. He sells the Grounding and Faraday Bags at doctor clinics throughout the country. The Grounding Bags are hand mined crystals with moisture and magnetic properties to ground and repel EMF, all for a deeper night's sleep. This is Mother Nature's way of protecting us from the excess rollout of man-made radiation, not a man-made device attempting to keep up with the other man-made levels.
Justin is also the Founder of Athleticism.com. He is one of the most respected, nationally certified, Health/Performance Coaches in the country. His career started over 22+ years ago at Scripps Clinic, La Jolla, CA. This seasoned industry experience and learning has exposed him to many of the greatest systems in human performance. Justin graduated from the University of Southern California (USC) in 1994. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from the School of Business (Entrepreneur) and studied Exercise Science as Minor. He also was a certified Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) from UCLA in 1994. He is an Aaron Mattes Active Isolated Stretching Therapist (AIS). He is certified in the Gonzalez Muscle Reset Technique (GMRT). He is an Athleticism Performance Coach (APC). He completed three intensive levels of John Iams, P.T., Primal Reflex Release Techniques (PRRT) courses. He is well versed in The LifeLine Technique. He is Certified in CPA, First Aid and AED. He is American College of Sports Medicine Nationally Certified as a, CPT. He was featured in the Documentary Movie ‘Vitality’. Just sells his EMFRocks.com Grounding Bags to doctor clinics across the country. He is an expert in Nerve Health. He can stabilize an individual instantly and get rid of that injury state, especially when it won’t go away.
Justin has been deemed many things over his career by Doctors and experts; Neuro Reflex Consultant, Coordination Mentor, Olympic Lifting Coach, Speed Coach, Jump Coach, Biomechanics Expert, EMP Expert and more. Hist focus now is stabilizing an individual faster than ever and getting rid of injuries, discomfort and stiffness in record time… all through Nerve Health and his ATHLETiCiSM Neuro Stacking programs.
On this episode, Celeste and Justin deep dive into:
+ What is EMF and how to protect yourself from it
+ Why EMF is so dangerous for our health and overall wellbeing
+ Natural ways to ground yourself
+ Why he created his EMF rocks
+ Signs and symptoms from too much EMF exposure
Athleticism website & to purchase his book