Ginny Jones - New To Earth - Quantum Light Technology.
Ginny is a natural-born Psychic, ever since she can remember she has been able to sense energy,
Reiki Master-Teacher, Medical Intuitive, Intuitive, Transformation Life Coach Hypno-Abundance Practitioner, Visionary, Quantum Traveller Known as Ginny, she works in the Intuitive Educational Fields Nationally & Internationally
. She works with the deepest integrity, to assist people, through difficult times. Her compassionate empathy uplifts humanity and directs people towards a way to work through life’s challenges. In which she see’s confidence, courage, strength and JOY return.
Connect with Ginny here -
Visit the Time to Thrive online summit for 6 months access to ancient wisdom from some of the worlds leading experts. Turn your life around from crisis to thriving with this sharing of worldwide experts, with the wisdom, to assist your transformation. Join now at
The music in the intro is Ram Cycle from Quiet Earth - The Pan Electric Remix Featuring Aarti Jadu - The full track can be downloaded here -
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