In this episode, Josselyne Herman-Saccio interviews Amy Edwards, host of the Amy Edwards Show who shares her journey of self-discovery and personal growth, highlighting the importance of finding and using your voice. She discusses her experiences in radio, music, and podcasting, and how they all intersected with her passion for philosophy and spirituality. Amy emphasizes the practice of becoming your best self and the lessons learned from challenging situations. She also shares a difficult period in her life where she felt lost and depressed, but ultimately found clarity and purpose in unexpected ways. In this conversation, Amy Edwards and Josselyne Herman-Saccio discuss the importance of surrounding ourselves with supportive people and seeking guidance from coaches or committed listeners. They also talk about the power of keeping track of our wins and gaining perspective on challenging situations. Amy shares her experience with starting the Fight for Her foundation, which aims to help the Pygmy tribes in Africa. They emphasize the importance of using our voices to share our dreams and goals, and the impact that even small contributions can make in creating positive change. You can give a tax deductible donation to Fight For Her HERE