There are certain actors we'll watch in just about anything. Cher is one, Winona Ryder is another. In Mermaids, the pair play mother and daughter, with Christina Ricci and Bob Hoskins in supporting roles and a fabulous 1960s soundtrack in the background. Let's be realistic, there was never any way we weren't going to love this movie.
Released in 1990, a time when both women were at the height of their movie careers, Mermaids is a gentle coming of age dramedy based on a novel by Patty Dunn. It's very much a product of its time, but a little bit darker and more thoughtful than you probably remember it being - particularly if, like us, your main memory of the film is that it featured Cher's cover of the Shoop Shoop Song.
This week on Beyond The Box Set, we're joined by returning guest Lucy Meredith to discuss iconic wigs, Winona's intense inner monologues, the ineffable sex appeal of Bob Hoskins and more. We also pitch some scenarios to reunite these two quintessential Hollywood survivors in a sequel - with ideas including a musical, multiple road trips and an unlikely genre-shift into 'Black Swan' style body horror...
Beyond The Box Set is a movie review podcast with a twist. Each week we take a classic standalone movie and compete to pitch sequel, prequel or spin-off ideas to bring them back to the big screen. We were recently featured as a 'Podcast of the Week' by The Guardian and have been listed as a 'Binge worthy podcast' by iTunes.
You can find us on all good podcasting platforms, including iTunes, Spotify, Google Play and Stitcher. If you like the show, don't forget to check out our Patreon for a wide variety of incentives and bonus content.
00.00: Demented monologues and iconic slap scenes
36.00: Mermaids Drinking Games
43.20: Mermaids 2: Search For The Merman
57.00: Mermaids 2: A Body Horror With Actual Mermaids In It
1.04.45: Mermaids II: On The Road
1.12.35: Listener Submissions & Episode 70 Preview