"The obstacle in the path becomes the path. Never forget, within every obstacle is an opportunity to improve our condition.” “Focus on the moment, not the monsters that may or may not be up ahead" - Ryan Holiday I hope this message finds you well, safe and amongst loved ones. In these strange times ahead there will be suffering, stress, sadness, anger, and just about every challenging emotion and thought that the human condition can provide. And yet, we individually and collectively can decide how we are going to respond to this challenge! We can band together, and we can make the best out of an absolutely awful situation. We can better ourselves and our community and on some level, come out of this potentially better than we went into it. I hope that this message deepens your resolve and helps you in the coming weeks to make the best of this pandemic and to improve not only your self but our society as a whole. I will do my best to make sure that you have the resources to help yourself. Take care everyone and lots of love sent your way. A few people I know that can help you at home to stay a little healthier and more fit: @fitsquad_training - home strength and Kettlebell training @manifesting.health - free online yoga :) @AllDayFit.co - Home workout help for you ladies and all the energy and positivity one could ever need