Ava shares her knowledge of the 5 yamas of yoga. Specifically, we dive into non-violence and what that means in the different areas of life.
Y A M A is the first of the 8 Limbs of Yoga as described in The Yoga Sutras by Patanjali.
This eight fold path was offered as a guide to living a fulfilled, meaningful and purposeful life.
The ultimate goal being freedom.
There are 5 Yamas; which are restraints or moral disciplines.
They are primarily related to the world around us and how we interact with it.
The practice of these, on and off the mat brings us strength, to body and mind. To retrain our brain to think in this way helps to lower our stress levels, helps us find peace within and about ourselves and everything and everyone around us.
1. Ahimsa - non-harming
2. Satya - truthfulness
3. Asteya - non-stealing
4. Brahmcharya - correct use of energy
5. Aparigraha - non-greed
Original Music by Dave Zup