Hello light being, welcome to today’s guided journey - a meditation to help you step into your soul’s expansion.
If you’re discovering this series for the first time, I would like to guide you, to begin with one of the earlier journeys before coming back to this one. This series is an exploration of the chakra system, which distributes the flow of prana or energy throughout your subtle body. Stress, illness, emotional upset, or conflict all can cause blockages or imbalance in your chakra system. And since all of the seven chakras are interconnected, when one chakra experiences a blockage or imbalance, it affects all the others. This disruption of energy can cause your mind, body, and spirit to suffer.
Over the course of this series of guided meditations, we have cleared many energetic blockages to reach this point the crown chakra and as energy rises from the root upwards, it is best to begin there with the root chakra. Simply scroll back to the beginning a few episodes down below, on the listings to catch up.
So, with that said, let’s begin.
Today, we’re closing this series of guided journeys with Sahasrara, your crown chakra.
Also known as “the bridge to the cosmos.” It is the most spiritual in nature of all seven chakras. Located above the crown of the head, it acts as the individual's centre of spirit, enlightenment, wisdom, universal consciousness, and connection to higher guidance.
In a sense, the crown chakra is our highest potential. It governs interaction & communication with the universe, one’s senses of inspiration & devotion, union with the higher self & the divine, and deeper understanding; simultaneously, it is responsible for a healthy spiritual life.
The crown chakra allows for the experiences of unity and universal connectedness, as well as the integration of the whole.
If the crown chakra is out of balance or plagued by stuck energy, a range of emotional cues can act as red flags pointing in the direction of the problem. Common indicators of trouble with the crown chakra include difficulty meditating, difficulty feeling connected, and spiritual disinterest, as well as boredom, feeling antsy with the mundane, not feeling connected to one’s purpose or wisdom, or desiring complete isolation.
Perhaps the strongest signs of an unbalanced crown chakra are depression, apathy, and scepticism and in some cases lethargy. Meanwhile, others include stubbornness, excessive sarcasm, and narrow-mindedness.
So, by working to balance the energies of the crown chakra, we can enhance our mental and spiritual intellect. The energy of the Crown Chakra is supplied by the other six chakras. And this is the reason it is important to work on the lower six chakras to effectively activate the Crown Chakra.
This episode is the final instalment of this special series of meditations I created to help bring balance and calm to your days. If you have followed this far and want to continue to step into your expansion in much greater depth, either by working 1:1 or as a part of my group offering The Soulprint, you can apply today, simply Direct message me the word ‘Expansion’ over on IG @intuitsoulsalon OR send an email to [email protected].
The Soulprint is a 7-week journey through which I will share with you the exact tools, rituals and self-healing and regulation pratcies you need to embody your fully human self; mind, body, heart and spirit. It helps you rediscover the essence of your most authentic and empowered self, to initiate deep healing and step into the highest version of yourself. so
Now, make yourself as comfortable as you can, taking a few deep breaths to centre your being.
You can hit pause and resume when you’re ready to begin.
My wish is that it will help