Padraig O' Tuama is a poet, storyteller, musician, and leader of the peace and reconciliation community called Corrymeela in Belfast Northern Ireland. Padraig discusses with Steve his journey as he navigates culture, faith, sexual orientation, and even his understanding of God with a religious structure often at odds. He shares the stories of how he learned to do so in a way that that brought peace to himself and those around him. Go Beyond the Pale with Padraig O'Tuama
Episode Index:
1:07 (intro) Tammy reads selected sections and poetry from Padraig’s book “In the Shelter”
15:12- Growing up Catholic in Ireland
19:54 - Being Catholic in an Evangelical surrounding
34:43 - Living in Community
39:19- Faith & Sexual Orientation
45:35- The Devil? Who is he?
55:05- The Corrymeela Community
1:00:34- “Blessed are the Peacemakers…”