We started this series last week called Don’t Waste Your Life. We are looking at the book of Ecclesiastes in which the teacher is exploring life and considering the bottom line. In Ecclesiastes 1:3 the teacher asked this question: What do people gain by all their toil under the sun? The teacher is looking at life and making careful evaluations. What do you get from everything you are doing in life? What is the profit? What is the point? Now the teacher began with his conclusion in verse 2. He said that everything is vanity. It is absolute futility. Now he is not saying that life is meaningless. Rather, he is saying that life is like a vapor or mist, meaning that it is lacking substance. Life under the sun does not provide lasting satisfaction. He proved this by showing how life is just circles. One day is like the next. One season is like the next. One year is like the next. One generation is like the next. What the teacher is going to do now is to carefully consider areas in life where we try to find value, joy, and satisfaction and see if we will get that outcome (gain, profit) or not. Please open your copies of God’s word to Ecclesiastes 1:12-18 and we are going to notice four observations that he makes about life…