In Mark 10, the disciples ask Jesus, “Then who can be saved?” His answer: “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.”
All of our passages, from the bwildering stories of Judah, Tamar, and later Samson, to God Himself finally speaking to Job, to Hezekiah praising God for 15 more years of life, to Paul writing to the Corinthians how we can actually become the righteousness of God – all of these passages illustrate Jesus' point.
Watch the Bible come alive in real time as we read and discuss what it actually says. It is my prayer that God gives you a love and eagerness to drink in this amazing Bible. Come drink deeply with me.
Today's chapters:
Mark 10
Genesis 38
Judges 14
Job 38
Isaiah 38
2 Corinthians 6
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May God convict you, save you, keep you, and bless you. Amen.