Opening w Larry handsome man
prince story - 1999
censorship on big platforms youtube and facebook
zero tolerance
origin of internet
bbs systems mainframes
huge monopolies oligarchies -giant corporations
are facebook and youtube platforms or publishers
advantages of the covid lockdown
larry's daughter & planets
the cons of the internet & wikipedia knowledge
wikipedia robots
school teaches obedience and not good thinking
hating high school
college was better than high school but degrees are old school why bother
you should start thinking about your future by middle school
the balance between keeping the child life force and curiosity and adult responsibilities
structured 9 to 5 vs the new gig economy
government = politicians
we are no longer in an industrial society
those jobs will become automated by machines
minimum wage laws
self checkout & the first signs of automation
mega corporations ensure small guys can't compete
why did certain stores get the special pass and small stores were all shut during covid?
how tech has messed our memories up, who remembers phone numbers anymore?
technology is making people want to be monitored and chipped for convenience
how far tech has come in less than a lifespan
the death of physical media & "the cloud" - someone eles's hard drive
Twitter - will they go full censorship too?
Larry and the problems of parenting in a super tech connected world
how crazy pornography has gotten - my little pony porny!
The Documentary Idiocracy - We're living it!
The massive changes in the 6 weeks from being on Larry's show till today
from covid to police brutality & black lives matter
the hatred towards all lives matter
ignorance comes in all colors
people have forgotten how to debate - everything is personal
how we went from covid concern to racism and police brutality
are there higher forces above government playing their cards and using this
covid - to move towards global tracking / golbal government / cabal and if so how are they doing?
why do we still have king and queens in the modern world? & inbreeding
why are their egyptian symbols on are money and in front of all the soviern power city states
the wealth gap / fractional reserve banking
Blackout state trooper story - dad & corrupt cops and a child first learning about money
"money rules the world"
my search to understand who is the ultimate authority / who controls the issuing of currency
the rabbit hole of money
we didn't have income tax for over 100 years
Elmhurst hospital The Epicenter Nurse - documentary that shows doctors & nurses putting people who they knew were not covid
on massive drugs and then killing them by damaging their lungs with ventilators
All hospitals could only make money off covid patients - so corruption occured in a corrupt system -
Covid burnout / crisis fatique, lets change up and burn things down!
Rascism is really culuralism & markers
Lesson's from Larry's Dad
Larry's view on spirituality
Blackout talks about his near death experience
Will there be a phase 2 of covid - is it planned?
worse case scenario - Darth Vader Storm Troopers at his door - what would he do?
We talk about qualified immunity - the one congressmen who introduced a bill against it - Congressman Amash
http::// - for all social media links