Would you go vegan overnight?
Going vegan is not an easy choice for most people and with obesity becoming a problem, we rarely think about the foods we eat.
This week, Coach Kirsten Franklin talks with vegan lifestyle coach Naomi Green about the power of a whole food plant based lifestyle.
Listen now as she tells how she became vegan overnight, her decision to start a coaching business to help people go vegan and the power of plant-based foods to reverse weight problems.
You can follow and connect with Naomi Green here:
Website: https://www.goingveganforhealth.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vegancoachnaomi/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/vegancoachnaomi/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vegan.coach.naomi/
Free Plant-empowered women FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/323514444745530/
Naomi Green is a leading Certified Vegan Lifestyle Coach & Plant Based Nutrition Educator who is also certified in plant-based nutrition from the eCornell T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. Naomi specializes in helping people go vegan to get serious weight loss and measurable health results permanently and deliciously.
Watching documentaries such as Game Changers on Netflix and Forks over Knives changed her belief system about food and health. Other films she encourages people to watch are; What the health?, Plant Pure Nation, Dominions, Earthlings, SeaSpiricy, Cowspiricy, and Eating You Alive. She encourages listeners to watch these shows given the misinformation out there on health. The story of Naomi Green is one of beating the odds as she takes us through her breast cancer experience, recovery and becoming a certified vegan lifestyle coach.