Today we have a podcast guest, Dr. Fola Dandare from Blossom Ladies Brunch. Dr. Fola is a career development expert who is passionate about helping young people and women build successful careers and businesses.
In today's episode, Dr. Fola and I discussed the topic of "How To Be Intentional About Your Career In 2023 With Dr Fola Dandare"
She shared her insights on:
- The current job market and how to search for jobs with high-income
- The challenges and trends currently facing the job market, such as quiet quitting, company culture, and competitive salary.
- The skills and qualifications that employers are looking for.
- How to tailor your skills and experiences to fit the job market.
- Tips and advice on networking and making connections.
- What graduates can do to secure their first high-paying jobs straight from uni.
And more.....
Dr. Fola also has an upcoming virtual Career Conference on Saturday 28th, January 2023, where she will be sharing more information on how to start high on the job pay scale so that you have fewer steps to climb for a high income. If you're interested in learning more about this event and how you can join, register now! HERE >>
You can also find Dr. Fola on Instagram
And visit her webiste:
Thank you tuning in and share this podcast with your friends and family!