Hello, and welcome to Brave Changemakers. Today I'm sharing something about radical empathy, and about how this can change your life and your work. And trust me, there is nothing wishy-washy about radical empathy. It is not For The Faint Of Heart.
Empathy, as most of us know, is the ability to imagine what someone feels, while going through something, and being able to empathize with that person's situation, by imagining yourself in that person's situation. Most people do have the natural ability to empathize, and for the feel good factor of this podcast, let's assume that both of us do have it.
Ever since the first corona wave faded, and people went on to enjoy their summer holiday, it seems as if empathy has faded into the background throughout the corona crisis. Most of the hoarded toilet paper is used up by now, and we've gotten more comfortable going to supermarkets, and trust that other people are equally able to take care of business. And now, quite some months later, people have other priorities, that are more focused on their own survival, and that of their families, businesses, and their country. Which is understandable. Be that as it may, more people than ever are suffering emotionally because of the on again and off again local lockdowns. Bars open, bars closed, bars open again (hurray!), and bars closed once more. People are getting annoyed, to put it mildly. And indeed, businesses suffer because of the necessary safety measures to prevent more people from getting infected.
We also notice people having short fuses more often. In the supermarket someone bumps into you without a mask, and coughs, with virus-infused splatter in a 5 feet radius, aerosols not included. This can be very annoying. And dangerous. No bueno. But can you still empathize with someone's discomfort of coughing uncontrollably?
I talked about radical empathy on numerous occasions over the last seven years, and I sometimes got vague looks. 'Radical empathy', what IS that. So...this episode is all about it!
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Jojanneke (it's pronounced Yóh-yáh-nah-káh, sorry about the inconvenience 🙈)