H. Guthrie Chamberlain III is the creator and host of the amazing podcast called Wisdom-Trek.
He is very passionate about leaving a legacy and inspiring others to do the same.
Guthrie has always had a passion for gaining wisdom, and sharing it with others.
He has read through the Book of Proverbs once a month for most of his adult life,
reading a chapter a day.
Leaving a legacy is important to Guthrie, and he wants to leave a positive impact.
He believes that as your legacy grows, people will look to you as a role model or mentor
that they would like to have in their lives.
Guthrie grew up in a large family of 10 children, on a farm in a rural area.
He says his upbringing taught him the value of hard work, as well as giving him the opportunity
to see the love his parents had for each other and their children.
We can’t love each other properly if we don’t love ourselves.
Guthrie shares that life will be tough, but you can proceed and be victorious.
Failure is not a defeat, it’s a learning experience.
Guthrie started his own entrepreneurial journey when he and his wife opened
a computer business in 1985, which grew over the years.
He realized there was an opportunity for the company to get bigger and to
become an acquisition target for the larger regional players.
To do this, they purchased a smaller company, and then
one that was about the same size as theirs. He explains that they went into the
merger under capitalized, as the bank they were dealing with pulled back
their loan in the Fall of 2011, after 9/11 and the dot.com bubble burst.
They went ahead anyway, but the owners of the other company had a difficult time taking
secondary roles and their differences couldn’t be reconciled. The other couple left and started a
new company, and Guthrie and his wife made the choice to shut down the business
and liquidate the remaining assets to pay off as much of the debt as possible.
Three years previously, they had started a consulting business working with s
mall businesses as consultants. They also developed a business selling computer
inventory for other dealers on eBay. Guthrie worked for a national comp
any for 3 years, before he and his wife decided to focus on their consulting business fu ll-time.
Through his experiences, Guthrie realizes that growing a business isn’t the only
important thing in life. His struggles allowed him to become more compassionate to
People do go through struggles. It gave us a good life lesson.
You can choose to enjoy life, or your can choose to hate life.
In order to have their children adopt a healthy belief system, he advises parents to
have one themselvesfor the children to see, as well as instilling in their kids that they
have the ability to do just about anything in life.
Guthrie recommends that people not just pursue stuff, the material things in life.
(Because we become a slave to those things that we own...)
Guthrie wants listeners to make the best decisions that they can today, with the
knowledge they have at this moment.
You can’t second guess what you should have done in the past, because we can’t
live in the past.