Welcome to my Lab! Christian Burghardt is not just my favorite MD in Munich, he is also an avid Biohacker, Entrepreneur founder of Mitocare and my personal resource for all things health, he is also somebody I am proud to call a friend. Therefore I am a little bit biased, but very confident, you will enjoy the episode. Not just because we talk about some of the uncommon devices at the Burn Out Diagnostsik Institue in Munich/ Germany, his supplement label Mito Care, Causa Logica as the reason for founding the brand and the latest addition to the portfolio, the two health drinks Mito and Care, we also look into good and not so good sugars and last but not least into an impressive meta analysis identifying the culprit for a Sars CoV -19 infection becoming bad. The result is quite fascinating and brings some practical advice for everybody getting somehow in touch with the Virus. For more information on the institute check https://www.burn-out-muenchen.de, for Mitocare products ww.mitocare.de and for the astonishing meta analysis out of Switzerland: https://www.readcube.com/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2021.695139