Brady and Blake speak with Brady Pearson of BP Customs.
First they discuss his graphic design background and what led him to his current state: creating custom wooden signs and other woodworking projects. They talk about project origins – custom sport signs for his man cave – to his commissions – signs, home decor, furniture, and artwork.
Next they talk about how he gets his inspiration and how he expresses that with his chosen art form – wood. Other topics include his shop, the tools he uses, and his thoughts on expanding from the current side-hustle and beyond. Brady touches on his approach to marketing and his experience with Reddit, Instagram, and Facebook.
Things close out by discussing Brady's craft beer journey and what he looks for when he's at the liquor store and restaurants. For our astute and budget minded listeners, Brady shares a tip to cut down on your dentist bills!
Brady Pearson, BP Customs (@bpearsoncustoms)
Check out his work at BP Customs
Brady Lindquist (@bradysbrews)
Blake Piipke (@blakepiipke)
All Together - Blackstack (@blackstackbrewing + @otherhalfnyc)
Mixed Signals - Talking Waters (@twbrewingco)
Pau Hana - Bad Habit (@badhabitbrewing)
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