Reader’s Reflections: When I was a teenager, there were near daily battles between my mother and my older brother, who had taken up smoking. It was a constant source of heartache for both of them, and it made a big impact upon me. I took the strife so much to heart that, to this day, I have never put a cigarette to my lips. My brother also played guitar, acted in school plays, and wrote poetry – he was a superhero to me, and I appropriated eachof these hobbies, because of my hero worship of him. The person he was – and is – has had a tremendous influence on who I have become, and am still becoming. I see the same tendencies in my own daughters. A few years back, I was a little too hard on my older daughter, pressuring her to work harder in school. She responded quickly and effectively;but the response from my younger daughter was even more marked – she is obsessed with school work, homework, grades and classes. I definitely feel that she took what she heard me say to my older daughter, exponentially to heart. Up until this point, Kitty has followed Lydia’s lead, traipsing after soldiers and frittering away her time and mind on superficial things. Even though she’s older than Lydia, she has always followed her younger, bolder sister. Fortunately for Kitty, she witnesses the agony Lydia has brought upon her family without being tied up in it herself, and it firms her resolve to turn herself around, and be more like her older sisters. For better or for worse, we tend to define ourselves by our family members – which traits we want to appropriate, and which ones we want to avoid. Luckily, Lydia came over to the Light Side before it was too late!