Hello there, how about a heart check today? I was sitting here listening to Tim McGraw and his song, Humble and Kind...just kind of thinking of how pride really steals so much peace and joy from our lives. Here are a few verses dealing with that topic:
Proverbs 11:2 “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” Proverbs 16:5 “The LORD detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished.” Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.
I have been studying on one of the top arguments people have against believing in the Word of God. Do you know what it is? Yep, the problem of evil in this world and I sure can relate. I get it, now more than ever when I see all the things that children are going through and people that seem so undeserving for any challenge especially after just making it through one. Well, I came across a few interviews with a gentleman, Clay Jones. I was so intrigued that he took many years to study genocide and came to understand that the evil in many of the atrocities we know in history have come through the root nature we all look at in the mirror. It isn't until we are "born again" that we begin to "die to our selves" and then begin to live a life that isn't enslaved to sin but one that sees the beauty in serving Jesus. When we can look at ourselves without the spirit of pride, but be real and see that we are one choice away from becoming an adulterer, etc. do we begin to understand the need we all have to seek the freedom found in Christ.
Why would God detest the proud of heart? Think about a time you have done something wrong to someone, a look of disdain, a word of discouragement or revenge, an act of unkindness. Now, in your heart at the time, think how did that make you feel? Was a sense of I am in the right, they deserve to be treated this way...or even, nothing...no feeling at all, no conscious of the things done in times of pain and hurt and what repercussions may come? This pride builds a wall and distance that many times doesn't ever come down or even worse creates a sea of loneliness and separation from those we were created to love and cherish.
What is the solution to this then? Scripture is written for us to be able to see what was meant to be fruitful attributes in our lives and how living a life where we have set our own self interests and desires in a grave that we no longer visit. My friend, I ask that you begin to hope again and love again in a way that you can trust God, our Heavenly Father as one that has our best interests and knows what good really is. Pride keeps you bound to a life filled with many things, but not any that bring happiness or lifelong joy.
Answering the Problems of Evil with Dr. Clay Jones. Retrieved from YouTube at https://youtu.be/lQlrClxwL0w