Hey campers! Welcome back to the spooky campfire! As Devon and Zach gather you around the campfire, please hug one another and celebrate! Camp Insomnia is back open! As we re-launch our podcast and welcome you all back, we will be kicking it off with some fun scary campfire stories told by your two head camp counselors Zach and Devon! Plus they will be catching all of you campers up on what you’ve missed. But like we always say…after these stories you won't be able to sleep…
Tyler Grow: https://tylergrowmusic.com/
Hannah Wells: https://www.instagram.com/_razzberriez_/
The Creak: https://www.ultimatecampresource.com/campfire-stories/scary-campfire-stories/creak/
The Copycat Neighbors: https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/2a7xug/my_parents_just_told_me_this_story_tonight_not/
Meat Grinders: https://www.scaryforkids.com/meat-grinders/
Look At Me:
Clap Clap:
Stranger Danger