In this season's premiere, the bizarre story of the Heene family, who became infamous after a homemade flying saucer balloon nearly caused a nationwide panic. Richard Heene, an aspiring celebrity and self-proclaimed storm-chaser, had bigger plans for fame, even involving his young son in a stunt that quickly spiraled out of control. Join me as we uncover the strange events, questionable motives, and the wild aftermath of the 2009 "balloon boy" incident, all served with a twist of our signature cocktail!
House of Balloons (Cocktail)
Make a honey syrup by boiling equal parts honey in water until dissolved.
Add vodka, aperol, grapefruit juice, lemon juice to a shaker with ice.
Shake until chilled and combined.
Strain over fresh ice and top with club soda.
House of Balloons (Mocktail)
1 part non-alcoholic vodka
Make a honey syrup by boiling equal parts honey in water until dissolved.
Add vodka, aperol, cherry juice, orange juice, grapefruit juice, lemon juice to a shaker with ice.
Shake until chilled and combined.
Strain over fresh ice and top with club soda.
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Ingredients for next episode (cocktail): black pepper, celery salt, lime, gin, tomato juice, lemon juice, Tabasco sauce, Worcestershire sauce, celery stalk
Ingredients for next episode (mocktail): black pepper, celery salt, lime, non-alcoholic gin, tomato juice, lemon juice, Tabasco sauce, Worcestershire sauce, celery stalk
Non-alcoholic gin:
Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. My videos are always made by researching a large variety of sources, and any appearance of similarities is purely coincidental. For any potential issues, or to reach out to me for any reason, please email [email protected].
“‘Balloon Boy’ and his family move on, rock on to heavy metal”
“House of Balloons Cocktail”
“'Balloon Boy' Parents Pardoned By Colorado Governor For 2009 Hoax”
“The Balloon Boy Hoax—Solved!”
Music Credit: "The Cool Side"
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