Psalm 10 and Psalm 9 may have originally been one Psalm. Even if that is not the case, there are many connections between the Psalms. Here are some of them.
10:1- times of trouble- 9:9
10:2 the wicked- 9:5, 16, 17; 10:2, 3, 4, 13, 15
10:4 The Hebrew word for "Seek" in 9:10, 12; 10:4, 13, 15
10:11 The claim that God has forgotten- 9:12, 18
10:12 Arise- 9:19
10:16 The LORD is king- 9:4, 7
10:16 nations- 9:5, 15, 17, 19, 19, 20
10:18 vindicate is the word "judge" in 9:8
10:1-2 Where is the LORD in the midst of trouble
10:3-11 A description of the wicked
10:12-15 A plea for God to arise and judge the wicked
10:16-18 The king has heard their cry and will defend them