Quote: “But, here’s the thing, you know God, too. The truth of the matter is this, everyone knows God, it’s just a matter of shifting our vision to notice Him. Today, more than ever, we can use God to help us in finding hope.”
You’ve been learning about essential oils and just how easily they can be incorporated into what you are already doing with your loved one and how powerful a transition, you can expect to have when you do. Which leads us into today's episode, which is all about hope. Every caregiver deserves to have hope. And in this episode, I have my good friend, Anne Birth joining me. We talk about Faith, oils and so much more.
“But, here’s the thing, you know God, too.
The truth of the matter is this, everyone knows God, it's just a matter of shifting our vision to notice Him. Today more than ever, we can use God to help us in finding hope.”
I was hopeless for a long time in my caregiving duties. What I didn't realize, at the time, was that I was pushing away, instead of leaning into. I felt abandoned by God. If only I had just leaned in to listen and to realize that he was there the whole time, it would have made my caregiving a lot easier in the earlier days.
This can happen often with caregivers because we get so overwhelmed with the next step. And the next step. And the next step that we lose sight of who's with us. And, sometimes we're only going to have enough light from God to see the next step. One step at a time. We often want to see the whole picture. And life doesn’t offer that to anyone.
But there's always a little bit of light. So there is always hope. That is, if we don't focus so much on the task or so much on the darkness. We must look for that little bit of light because every day. There's a little bit of light, even when you're in the thick of it, of caregiving. We can miss this opportunity. We can overlook it. The hardest part of caregiving is watching your loved one decline. And the second hardest is everything else. There is nothing easy about it, which is why we tend to lose our hope.
In this episode we teach ways to keep hope alive. Not just for the caregiver but for the patient too. After all, life has changed for them, also. We need to remember how hard it is for them as their lives have changed profoundly, too.
Utilizing tools such as essential oils, prayer, music and more, not only helps you to find hope, they help to fill you with hope and allow for you to deepen your connections with your loved one, God and yourself.
Thanks for listening! I hope you’ve enjoyed the episode and I will see you next week.
If you have enjoyed this episode of the podcast, head on over to my free Facebook group, At Home Oils. I would LOVE to connect with you and help support you along your caregiving journey.
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