It's an audio comedy, drama, suspense variety show. In this episode we take a crack at one of the greatest short stories ever written - it isn't funny, and we don't do it justice, but we really wanted to share it with you. Also, new comedy from Mario Baldessari, Neal Patrick Peterson, and Elsie Cole, and a new song from Anastasia Ellis. Harbor Repertory Theater is: Mario Baldessari, Robert Baril, Rachel Bridges, Elise Cole, Tiffa Foster, Rana Kay, Bryan Miller, Zachary Olson, Neal Patrick Peterson, and Keith Bridges. Follow us on Social media; @CavalcadePodcst on Twitter or #cavalcadepodcast on Instagram. Visit our website at find out more about us, donate to support the show, or just leave us a note - we'd love to hear from you.