Meet Larissa, founder of Worried To Wealthy, a money mindset coach helping young entrepreneurs and professionals eliminate debt, build a healthy relationship with money, and plan for a comfortable retirement. I get that this can be overwhelming because I’ve been there! I made poor choices in my early 20's. I did not save a dime and I impulsively spent my way to $60,000 of credit card debt. After a while, I was tired of this situation I created, and it was time to make some dramatic changes. Within 1 year, I was able to eliminate my debt, increase my income, and purchase a home in my 20s. Now I want to help others do the same! I knew there was a need for more financial education and dedicated myself to helping others as a money coach. I became obsessed with money as a tool to improve your lifestyle. I learned everything there is to know about money management and the psychology behind it. I quickly found that with the right information and mindset work, you can eliminate debt and build wealth much faster than you thought. This is exactly why I developed my Worried To Wealthy framework which combines strategy, Psychology, and intuition to deliver long-lasting results.