Despite a tropical storm & COVID-19, Chappell // Chats continues! This time around, we take our discussion to the rooftop deck of the all-new Clark Townhomes in Cameron Village. Thanks to the motorized, retractable awning (an upgrade feature offered at Clark), we are still able to properly social distance, be outdoors and just relax during a rainstorm.
We welcome George Smart of NC Modernist, a local nonprofit that serves as a global information resource and outlet for all things modernism. George’s organization maintains an extensive library and historical database of all modern homes in the state of NC, spanning some 2,400 documented homes, as well as all projects by modernist home architects. The organization’s national library of modernist homes spans some 8,000 projects.
We dive into the criteria of what exactly makes a home modern, the history of modernism in our state and beyond, why it fell out of grace & is now making a resurgence, how NC modernist architects stack up against other areas of the country, local modernist hotspots, and much more.
Chappell Residential is a proud sponsor of NC Modernist, which hosts monthly walking tours of modernist homes across the state, country, and sometimes abroad. You can find more information about them at
The Clark Townhomes is a project headed by Lambert Development, a sales and marketing client of Chappell Residential. For more information on that, head to
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