It is February, and it is Black History Month! Today we’re sharing music we love by black artists of the 20th century.
Hello hello hello and how are you
I’m fine I’m fine and I hope that you are too
Sing this song with any variation you can think of, soft, loud, humming, whistling, la la la-ing!
Ella Jenkins has been dubbed the “The First Lady of the Children's Folk Song.” Here is a playlist of some of our favorites, but be sure to check her out with your kids, we think you’ll love her music as much as we do.
To watch a mini class where Ms. Elizabeth and her 5 kids share 3 Ella Jenkins songs click here:
This Little Light of Mine
This little light of mine (tap knees),
I’m gonna let it shine, (arms: up down up down)
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. (dance in a circle)
This iconic American gospel song has been energizing and uniting diverse groups of people for nearly a century. It’s impossible to sing this song without moving your body and feeling a spark of excitement and purpose. It is a great song to sing with kids because the words are so repetitive, and the message is so positive! We’ve added some simple actions to each verse, and suggested a flashlight activity for the second time through -- kids and flashlights always seem to be drawn to each other, right?
Don’t miss these incredible renditions of this song by these famous black artists.
Maple Leaf Rag Scott Joplin Performed by Stefano Ligoratti. Recording used with permission.
You don’t want to miss this recording of Scott Joplin performing this piece himself!
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Over 250 engaging and educational music lesson videos.Comprehensive music courses organized by theme, for example:"Carnival of the Animals","Peter and the Wolf,""Rhymes and Games," etc.Printable resources, including lesson plan ideas, parent programs, instrument and animal puppet printables, coloring pages, and more!Extensive "Notes to the Grown-ups" for each lesson, so that you can see exactly what your child is learning, with ideas on how to adapt and extend the lessons.Downloadable audio tracks of the classical music as well as the activities, so that you can listen off screen.Get signed up at:
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Classical music tracks are licensed for our use by