Ari Paparo got his start in the Adtech industry by joining a small company at the time called Doubleclick, shortly after the dot-com crash. There he helps turn the fledgling adtech group into one of the industry's biggest names, later leading to an acquisition by Google.
After spending some time as a product manager there, he moved on to Nielson where he developed the Digital Ad Ratings system that delivers deduplicated audience measurement metrics across computers, smartphones, tablets, and connected TV.
From there he went from AppNexus, and then started his own highly customizable DSP, Beeswax, allowing companies to operate as their own bidder instead of using cloud bidders.
Now he’s off to Comcast.
Ari’s unique and impactful story as a groundbreaking adtech leader is full of deep-dive insights into building leading companies and products from the ground up. Listen in to hear his story and knowledge about the ecosystem he played a heavy hand in developing.