The Department of Defense is used to accomplishing monumental feats. From protecting the national interest to managing a workforce of nearly 3 million people, nothing happens on a small scale. This is clearly evident in both the IT modernization goals for the agency and its customer experience (CX) improvement plans to align with the December 2021 Executive Order on Transforming Customer Experience and Rebuilding Trust in Government.
While it would be easy to treat these two major projects as separate entities, what the Department of Defense has learned is that when CX is put at the center of IT modernization the impact drives innovation forward more quickly and enables service members to receive the exemplary service they deserve.
But what does this look like in practical terms?
Hillary Fredrick, host of the Clickthrough podcast, sat down with Donna Settle, Vice President for the Federal Defense Market at Maximus and Chris Doty, Senior Practice Manager for the Department of the Air Force at AWS to learn more about how the United States Air Force and the United States Space Force have approached this vital work.
Settle shared during the post that “cloud adoption and AI implementation alone don't necessarily solve a lot of the day-to-day experience problems. It's about empowering those customers and stakeholders to perform their mission more effectively. We do know that cloud adoption enables faster access to the mission critical data from anywhere and that as long as there's access, whether airmen are in a deployed environment or at a home station. We also look at AI from an implementation point to eliminate those boring, repetitive tasks. The goal overall is to free up the time of the airmen so that they can focus more strategically.”