OOOooooOOOooooOO!!! It’s a very special Halloween episode of Cold Read for the Season 2 Finale! And we have some very special guests, 3/4ths of the the sketch comedy group/podcast “The Kennedy Nixon Brigade” (links below). This week, we finally get to know Gubby, Mike Trost becomes a shitty werewolf AND a shitty rhinoceros, Lauren Schwein farts something SPOOOKY, and Damian Johnson accidentally says the name of the place he works at with kids (listen closely!). It’s been an amazing ride everyone, THANKS FOR LISTENING!
Damian Johnson, Lauren Schwein and Mike Trost are three members of the Minneapolis sketch comedy group Nixon vs Kennedy. Their podcast is available on their website, Individually,they are:
Mike Trost – One half of the improv duo Kiss Kiss Slap and one ninth of improv mega-group Snack Time. Both groups have been featured at HUGE Theater in Minneapolis, MN. You can find him staring off into space at any number of parks, or fake making out with Lauren Schwein for kicks. You can follow him on twitter @marcotoast
Lauren Schwein – The other half of the improv duo Kiss Kiss Slap and a different one ninth of the improv mega-group Snack Time. She’s funnier and prettier than both Mike and Damian combined. She can be seen fake making out with Mike Trost or staring angrily at the ocean. You can follow her on twitter @lorenahobbit
Damian Johnson – A man with artistic accomplishments that are even more impressive when you consider that he is just a brain in a jar hooked up to a video camera and voicebox. Damian is also an improviser (appearing in shows like T2P2) and a real life actor in lots of stuff, like Live Action Set’s the 7-Shot Symphony, but not Skyscraper! (because that’s a musical that doesn’t exist).