Kevin Albertson, Phillip Schramm, Sami Haeli, Nathan Kelly Rouse, Erin Kennedy and John Hilsen of Rated G (unfortunately Becky Hauser, Sinez Lennes, Amanda Underwood, Jo Nachtigal, Aaron Cook, Gregory Parks, Denzel Belin, Justin Betancourt, Jeremy Barta, and Jeff Gyllen couldn’t join us) join Philip (Matt also couldn’t make it) to discuss producing an improvised family friendly musical that is definitely not associated with Disney. (If anything, it’s more Pixar than Dreamworks.)
They also talk about musical tropes, experimenting with ideal show times, developing group mind, being conscious of the message sent by the types of stories you tell, and the interplay between improvisers and their musical accompaniment.
As always, the interview ends with Keyboard Corner.
Then we present the musical The Lighthouse on the Prairie.
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