Dr. Rose-Margaret Ekeng is a professor of engineering, a researcher, board member, and civic leader leading the way in creating pathways for women and underrepresented groups. Her influence, work, and support take place at all levels - individual, organization, civic, state, national, and international.
This confidence conversation with Dr. Rose-Margaret Ekeng centered around how we can support women and diverse perspectives in STEM. Along with some personal pearls of wisdom, Dr. Ekeng shared specific actions that women, allies, and organizations can take to secure these diverse perspectives in science and beyond. We also talk about moving to action on a couple of things: how to support women in STEM, and how to get sponsors. She also shares her next bold moves and we can hardly wait to be talking about them. Enjoy!
Resources and References:
Sabi Africa Network, Dr. Ekeng's company illuminating : https://sabiafricanetwork.com/
More about Dr. Ekeng on the Society of Women Engineers page: https://magazine.swe.org/dee-award-ekeng-itua-22/
The "book" referenced in the conversation can be found here: https://theconfidencetalk.com
00:00 Podcast intro
00:10 Introduction Rose-Margaret Ekeng, PhD
03:25 Defining confidence
06:58 On mindset and confidence
08:20 Pivotal career point impacted by confidence - moving into policy and decision-making spaces
11:00 How to support and promote women in STEM
- Advocacy (Individuals and organizations alike to advocate, engage with legislature, influence policies that support and promote women in STEM)
- Mentorship (seek mentors, be a mentor)
- Sponsorship (seeks sponsors, be a sponsor)
- Coaching and coaching systems
- Allies
16:30 How to get sponsors (road map in the organizational structure, external sources)
21:15 An example of the importance of sharing your interests
24:08 On how she gets confidence boosts - loved the pearls here!
31:55 Bold move #1
36:23 Bold move #2
40:08 What's in the name "Antorge"? Or as Rose-Margaret said - the wind beneath your wings