Everything is energy, and the reason we desire all that we desire, is we believe that by having the physical thing (house, car, money) or experience (job title, relationship, clean bill of health), we will then 'feel' better by having it, which in turn drives our energy. The key word here though is feel. The way in which you choose to feel, based off your emotions, which are primarily driven by the stories you tell yourself about the world (thoughts and beliefs), then drives your frequency or energy. Also, feeling is everything. We are human, and our goal here is to feel good along our life's journey. Thus, in today's episode, I talk all about the importance of keeping your spiritual self, the one that is untouchable, was born knowing, was born worthy, enough, and deserving, in perspective while we're aspiring to receive our desires. This can change the whole game, and make the journey of life fun and easy, while we still grow, learn, and face challenges. My hope is that after listening, you feel reconnected to the you that you really are, no longer allowing the outer circumstances in your life to dictate that for you. This shift will bring you home, even while you still reach for more. Enjoy!
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