This is Part 1 of a 5 part series on Microlearning where Jason Kelske answers questions that people regularly ask ConveYour.
In today's episode, Jason answers the question: What Is Microlearning?
In Parts 2 through 5, he will answer:
- #2 Why Should You Use Microlearning?
- #3 Where Should Microlearning Be Used (and who uses Microlearning?)?
- #4 What Is the Process for Developing Microlearning?
- #5 What Should You Look for in a Microlearning Platform?
On the site, you'll also find our summary video which covers these same questions in less than 10 minutes.
Or watch the video summary here: What Is Microlearning?
To learn more about ConveYour, visit
Resources mentioned in today's episode:
Microlearning: Short & Sweet by Karl Kapp & Robyn Defelice
Shannon Tipton @ Learning Technologies Conference
DIY Guys 2005 Honda Accord Oil Change Video
Robert DIY 2005 Honda Accord Oil Change Video