Bare we folks this is a pretty personal episode. Lately Cullen has been dealing with past and current traumas that I'm having issues moving and navigating past. The work isn't impossible but seems never ending sometimes. You wake up everyday with the intentions on having a good day and somehow end up laying down trying to end a bad day. And I've been struggling with trying to make progress and its been effecting me mentally as well as physically. Sometimes it sucks because i feel like I'm tripping these family, friends, dating experiences should be a walk in the park because I'm trying to become a better person than i once was, then out of nowhere i feel a cloud of negativity hovering over me and i sometimes quit at the work and fall into a pit of depression. I talk about how i often feel like the people around me don't want to see me change because they have to as well or if they don't they're not rooting for me like i would for them because they don't actually care.