I conceded to understand my habits control my situations without me grasping my habitual haunts jump out whenever…
Situations occur beyond my comfort zone because I now realize my experiences occur to ripen my maturity trusting my sovereign savvy…
To escalate my innate innovative talents to hear my invisible wisdom see the moneyed up accomplished outcomes as I show my valorous gall to sassily stroll…
Through my life events with enthralling clarity that allows me to listen with liberating intuitive sassy tenacity expanding numen…
Swagger sanctions me to never be a bragger with a stumbling stagger of asinine arrogance because I now realize and admit…
Arrogance is selfish sabotage because arrogance thinks whatever they do is good yet when somebody else does the same thing…
Arrogant people try to shame and ridicule the other person as I understand and get arrogance was my innermost idiocies that passed away today because…
I cleared my inner scenery to sense clear efficacy naturally energizing revolutionary yazzapanache shows me myself and I my spry alive wizardry frees…
My core candor to instantly express my invincible inspirations that dissolve my arrogance opening my quick wit to welcome innovative temerity to marry…
My dreams with my daily life lionizing infinite financial ecstasy because I dispersed my asinine arrogance trusting my canny confidence that glides me…
Through life with the greatest ease understand my dreams are effortless as I eavesdrop on my intestinal intuition feeling my farseeing wit engages…
My vibrant vigor to execute my spiritual experiences that open the way for my heaven on earth extravaganzas because I now realize and respect my life is…
Classily celebrated through my day to day escapades that show me myself and I new waves of wisdom to expand of