Collect the content, then share your project!
You need content for a Life Story project. Not just the content you’ll generate yourself in the recording or the shoe box of old photos you have stashed under the bed. You also need that photo album you’re Great Aunt has stashed away. Or the old Super 8 films Uncle Bob shot back in the ’60’s. But you also want the new digital images your grandchildren are taking on their new fangled smart phones. You have an idea of what you want to create but you have to pull it all together to make it work. Producing the Life Story is for later but how do you collect the scattered information?
Herding Cats
Getting information from relatives is akin to herding cats. Everyone has their ideas of what they want to do. What works for me is to give them clear and concise instructions of what I want depending on the skills of who I’m talking to. For some people you may need to go to their home and scan the photos, while others can use email and online sharing services.
* What do you want?
* Who has it?
* What form is it in?
* Can it be digitised?
* Can they convert it to digital?
* How do you want it shared?
* Do they have the skills to share it?
* Do others near them have the skills?
* What are the alternatives?
And if all else fails you may need to travel to them and do all the work in gathering the information.
Sharing the finished Life Story Project
Once you’ve finished your masterpiece of this persons Life Story you’ll eventually want to show it to everyone involved so the same will apply but in reverse.
Types of information
First of all you need to decide what information you need, what’s available and in what format…
Physical – Analog
Tapes, cassettes, films, photographs
Physical – Digital
CDs, DVDs, Thumb Drives, Hard Drives, SD Cards, Floppy discs, In built memory in cameras, etc,.
Once you’ve decided what you want, who has it and where it is you have to decide how you’ll get access to it for your project.
Transfer methods
You know what you want and where it is, now you have to get it to you using one of these systems.
Post or hand deliver the physical items to who needs the information.
Limited size of attachments could need multiple emails for a project. Okay for a couple of images.
Digital internet transfers
Digital transfer services for large files such as DropBox etc.
Internet and Web
Place the content to share with others on various sharing services. Some have ability to have private accounts while others are public only.
* Everything –, Facebook, Google+.
* Images – Flickr, Panorama, Photobucket & many others
* Video – YouTube, VIddler, Vimeo.
* Audio – SoundCloud.
* Everything – Your own website.
* Everything – FTP. (If you don’t know what it is don’t worry, if you do, consider it)