Podcast #52! THANK YOU for a great year of coaching conversations with the Cross-eyed Bear Podcast! Our intention from the start was to bring weekly inspiration, conversation, and hopefully, some tried and true strategies to not only enhance your life but those around you.
The first step to any process is understanding. Without understanding, even the most well-intended person will lose some steam, and over time what was once a really good strategy begins to feel like a chore.
So, ask yourself, and maybe anyone sitting near you, why it would actually be beneficial to practice “gratitude” in the first place? You’d most likely get a different answer from each person you ask because we all have our reasons, and when we’re speaking in terms of gratitude, most of them if not all of them, would be right.
Once you have an understanding as to “why” it would be a good idea to practice, then it’s more about the “how” and “when.” The “how” may be more individualized to the person based on preference and life experiences, remember this is YOUR practice. What works for me, or us, may not work for you, which is why it’s important to get as many practice reps as you can.
Some prefer to journal, writing down your thoughts can take on an inspirational intention (vision board style), there’s the documentation format (what IS happening in real-time), and sometimes journaling is an incredibly effective tool to get all those swirling thoughts out of our heads and onto paper in more of a brain dumping fashion.
If you’re more of a visual person, recording a snippet of each day's wins or points of gratitude can turn into a project in the best of ways. Could you imagine watching it back years later? Talk about the best way to relive life, through the eyes of gratitude.
Maybe you’re someone who doesn’t want a project, even a happy one, and the last thing you want to do is journal, that’s okay! What’s important is the practice of it. So, even simply speaking it verbally is an effective means to bring attention to all the amazing things going on around you.
When is the “best time?” Every single day.
While there are some strategies we can work with, again what matters most, is the consistent practice of bringing attention to what you’re grateful for.
A.M. = Helps pre-frame your day. It’ll have you STARTING the day bringing energy and light into your individual world, while positively impacting those around you in the process.
THROUGHOUT = Full days require focus and bringing consistent attention to your points of gratitude throughout your day will have you cruising through the day “faster” than if you brought attention to all the pain points and irritants.
P.M. = Practicing gratitude at night not only acts as a therapeutic tool for overactive thinkers but it can also act as an evening reframing process. It can be easy to get sucked into the fears, doubts, and anxieties of those around us, journaling at night will not only help you sleep better but more soundly as well.
Regardless of “when”, you decide to practice your points of gratitude, what you will begin to notice is a shift, it won’t be as drastic as you think. You’ll simply feel lighter, more optimistic, your enthusiasm will increase, and if you practice enough, and long enough, you’ll most likely find yourself with a pretty amazing life when all is said and done!