March 9, 2025 - Sunday AM Sermon
Shining Your Light Among Unbelievers (Acts 27)
1. The Book of _________ details the __________ of early ___________.
2. The back half of the book shows _________ preaching the _________ in
different ____________.
3. In Acts ______, Paul is on a ___________ headed to __________ and he takes
it as an ____________ to shine the ___________ of Jesus __________.
4. The New ____________ commands us to ___________ our ___________ and
Acts ______ shows us ___________.
1. ____________ Hopeful & _______________ in Crisis (Acts 27:21-26)
2. _______________ the Proper _______________ (Acts 27:22)
3. _____________ to Keep Your __________ a __________ (Acts 27:23)
4. Express ______________ in God’s _____________ (Acts 27:23-25)
5. Give ____________ for Your __________ (Acts 27:35)
6. Show ____________ & _____________ (Acts 27:33-35)
1. Paul made a difference in the _______ because he __________ his ________.
2. Jesus wants us to _________ for him in the _________ but especially in the
3. Live for ____________, __________ are depending on ______________.