Episode 73 features half of the tandem that puts together the "Beyond The Pond" podcast, Dave Goldstein. This is the 2nd and final part of my conversation with Dave, whose podcast is another from our glorious Osiris Media podcast network.
This episode picks up right where the 1st ended, with Dave starting to talk about him and his wife's decision to have a second child. His story starts off with the re-telling of the pregnancy that followed their oldest daughter. The very unfortunate and tragic direction that pregnancy took put Dave and his wife through something no parent should have to experience.
Following that difficult spring of 2018, by the fall of that year, Dave's wife was pregnant again, restoring their hope of having a little brother or sister for their firstborn daughter.
To their disbelief, during a routine ultrasound, yet again they were facing the news of another medical condition with the growing fetus. Doctors confirmed that their future child had ventricular septal defects, or a hole in the heart.
Dave and his wife got a lot of time with specialists and pediatric cardiologists during the course of the remainder of the pregnancy. Echocardiograms continued to confirm the presence of the hole and the cardiologist even stated there might be multiple holes, but couldn't say for sure.
Their second daughter was born in May of 2019, via scheduled c-section and all went well with the delivery. Her heart did, in fact, have multiple holes and the two holes they had been monitoring were actually larger than they had thought.
We talked about Dave's very real and understandable fear of getting attached to their newborn. He recalls the cardiologist telling them: "...she is not in heart failure now, but it's not so much a matter of 'if', it's really a matter of 'when'". Let that just sink in for a moment, will you? Hearing that your newborn is going to need heart surgery for survival.
In July, their daughter had a perfectly successful open-heart surgery. Following the surgery, she had a complete turn-around with a lot of the aspects of her daily life that are the things we all can take for granted as parents of a newborn.
Dave told some other stories about the bond that has already started to take shape between his two little girls. It's heart-warming to me to imagine the two sisters way down the road, when they are both mature enough to thoughtfully think about how much of a miracle they both are, truly, but for them to fully grasp how awesome and truly amazing life is and that they have one another. Let's hope, right?
One of the notable things during the entire conversation with Dave that gave me that smile of recognition was his pairing of days and events with either old concerts by bands he loves or with his beloved Mets baseball games. I admit, unfortunately, that part of my mind just does not store information the way that Dave does... but this still fully resonates with me.
I'm still so touched by this conversation with Dave. It was a bit of an eye-opener, touched on so many large issues and became just another solid reminder at how truly miraculous life really is, how beautiful it can be and just how (don't yell at me for using this word) blessed we, as parents are with the true gifts that our children represent.
The "Beyond the Pond" podcast can be found pretty much anywhere you find your podcasts: iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher Radio, etc.
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