코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트

대전 사건이 던진 질문

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진행자: 최정윤, Tannith Kriel

Are Korean schools safe?

기사 요약: 대전의 한 초등학교에서 발생한 교사의 학생 살인 사건으로 학교 안전에 대한 우려가 커지고 있다.

[1] The shocking murder of a first grader at the hands of her teacher inside an elementary school in Daejeon has ignited widespread concerns over school safety in South Korea.

at the hands of: ~의 손에 의해

ignite: 촉발하다, 불을 붙이다

[2] The unprecedented nature of the attack, which took place in what is supposed to be the safest space for a child outside of the home, has left parents and educators questioning whether schools in Asia's fourth-largest economy are equipped to prevent such incidents or respond effectively should similar crises arise.

unprecedented: 전례 없는

[3] Despite South Korea’s well-established disaster preparedness programs for fire, earthquakes and other natural disasters, schools remain largely untrained for handling violent incidents, particularly in cases involving weapons.

preparedness: 준비

[4] A Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education official confirmed that while schools offer various safety programs and training for natural disasters, security threats involving weapons are not a standard part of school safety training.

confirm: 확인하다, 사실임을 보여주다

standard: 일반적인, 기본적인

기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/article/10419500

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코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트By The Korea Herald

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