코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트

당신이 떠난 뒤에 남겨질 디지털 유산은 누구에게로?

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진행자: 간형우, Devin Whiting

Calls grow for digital inheritance rights in Korea

기사 요약: 한국에서 높아지는 디지털 상속권 공론화와 법제화에 대한 요구

[1] As societal consensus on digital inheritance remains elusive, voices advocating for at least granting "account access rights" to heirs are gaining traction in Korea.

consensus: 합의

elusive: 찾기 어려운

grant: 승인하다

gain traction: 탄력을 받다

[2] The issue of digital inheritance has resurfaced following the Jeju Air crash at Muan International Airport last December. Families of the victims sought access to the deceased's social network accounts and contact lists to facilitate funeral arrangements, sparking a renewed debate.

resurface: 다시 떠오르다

deceased: 사망한

facilitate: 가능하게 하다

[3] The National Assembly has called for urgent discussions to establish clear regulations on the definition and scope of digital inheritance.

urgent: 긴급한

scope: 범위

[4] Last week, the National Assembly Research Service released a report, emphasizing the necessity of a structured approach in a society where digital technology is deeply ingrained in daily life.

approach: 접근

ingrained: 깊게 밴

기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/article/10442519

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