Peter, Darrell & Hassan begin part one in a look back at their favorite DC Comics published in 1985 starting with Jan-March Crisis 1, Arion Lord of Atlantis 30, Camelot 3000 12, Flash 345, Green Lantern 188, Sgt Rock 400, Shadow War of the Hawkman 1, Ambush Bug 1, Swamp Thing 37, Hunger Dogs Graphic Novel, Who’s 2, Infinity Inc 13, Infinity Inc 14, Omega Men 26, Shadow War of Hawkman 1, Ambush Bug 1, Hunger Dogs, Batman & Outsiders 22, Tales of the Teen Titans Vol 1 52-54, Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 20-21, Vigilante Vol 1 17, Justice League of America Vol 1 239
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