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Comedians Winston Hodges and Amber Hendrix tackle grief the only way they know how........with comedy. Listen each week as they go over their different approaches to grief over each of their dad's pas... more
FAQs about Dead Dad Comedy Pod:How many episodes does Dead Dad Comedy Pod have?The podcast currently has 32 episodes available.
May 09, 2020Memories and Qualifying Guilt (Happy Mothers Day)Hey everybody. We are back. The first half of our episode we check out a couple of submissions about grief during the pandemic. Including when this thing ends, and qualifying our struggle. Then Amber and Winston both share some stories about their dads. Finally they give a loving tribute for Mother's Day. Sponsored by Anchor by Spotify. The best way to create and distribute your podcast!Winston Hodges IG/Twitter: @winstonhcomedyAmber Hendrix IG: @amberjack86Dead Dad Comedy Pod IG: @deaddadcomedypod...more55minPlay
May 02, 2020Jesse Hill Jr Will Not Call It A Miracle (Winston Will Though)The DDCP crew welcome a special guest this week. Standup comedian and improvisor Jesse Hill Jr. He talks about his near death experience that involved Toys R Us, a car accident, and an icy winter morning. They cover everything from religion, to near death experiences, and even PTSD. So come check it out!Sponsored by Anchor by Spotify. The best way to create and distribute your podcast!Jesse Hill Jr : @jessehilljr727Winston Hodges IG/Twitter: @winstonhcomedyAmber Hendrix IG: @amberjack86Dead Dad Comedy Pod IG: @deaddadcomedypod...more1hPlay
April 25, 2020Things Our Daddies Liked (Plus Some Corona)Hey everybody. We are back. The first half of our episode we check out more submissions about Covid19 and grief. We even hear from Amber's niece. But if you are tired of Covid stuff just skip past the ad and listen to the back half as we talk about bittersweetness of media consumption after a loved one has passed. We will probably have to revisit it we had so much to talk about!Sponsored by Anchor by Spotify. The best way to create and distribute your podcast!Winston Hodges IG/Twitter: @winstonhcomedyAmber Hendrix IG: @amberjack86Dead Dad Comedy Pod IG: @deaddadcomedypod...more52minPlay
April 18, 2020Dead Dad Corona Pod (Winston Paid for Zoom)Hey everybody. We decided it was time to tackle what is going on in the world. They got to hear some audio messages from nurses, comedians, and all types. So come with us on a journey to begin to touch on the grief we are all experiencing right now! Recorded right off of zoom and straight to your ears!Sponsored by Anchor by Spotify. The best way to create and distribute your podcast!Winston Hodges IG/Twitter: @winstonhcomedyAmber Hendrix IG: @amberjack86Dead Dad Comedy Pod IG: @deaddadcomedypod...more1h 7minPlay
April 11, 2020The JBeaster Bunny (The Last Time My Dad Felt Good)Hey everybody. Amber is super busy fighting the good fight and doing a lot of work to combat Covid-19. We are schedule to record a bunch, but we did not have an episode for you this weekend, So Winston went ahead and recorded a super quick one. It is pretty emotional, but listen to him talk about the last time he remembers his father feeling good, He talks about why Easter is important to him and does some special thanks. Definitely not our tightest episode but it is raw. Sponsored by Anchor by Spotify. The best way to create and distribute your podcast!Winston Hodges IG/Twitter: @winstonhcomedyAmber Hendrix IG: @amberjack86Dead Dad Comedy Pod IG: @deaddadcomedypod...more13minPlay
April 04, 2020Kim's Best Friend Was Her Grandpa (How Kim Almost Flunked Out of College)Amber and Winston have another guest. The one and only Kim Nario. Kim is an awesome standup comedian and improvisor and she hosts the very funny "Almost Nothing with Kimberly R. Nario" Podcast. Amber takes the reins and gets Kim to guide us through the tragic loss of her grandfather. Winston talks about his funeral wishes, and Amber taels about getting her brows done while in a coma. Check it out!Sponsored by Anchor by Spotify. The best way to create and distribute your podcast!Winston Hodges IG/Twitter: @winstonhcomedyAmber Hendrix IG: @amberjack86Dead Dad Comedy Pod IG: @deaddadcomedypodKim NarioIG: @pretty_crierAlmost Nothing is available on Apple, Spotify, and all other major podcasting places!
March 28, 2020Dead Dadurday (How it happened)Listen to Amber and Winston actually talk about the process of their fathers passing. It gets a little heavy, and we try to keep it light. Winston almost cries, and Amber talks about her dad saying ow!Sponsored by Anchor by Spotify! The best way to create and distribute your podcast!Dead Dad Comedy Pod IG: @deaddadcomedypodWinston Hodges Twitter/IG: @WinstonhcomedyAmber Hendrix IG: @amberjack86...more56minPlay
March 21, 2020Kenn Edwards Almost Met His Dad In A DominosListen to Amber and Winston have Kenn Edwards of The Alex Jonestown Massacre on to talk about what it's like to lose a father you never knew. It gets weird, wild, and incredibly hilarious!Sponsored by Anchor by Spotify! The best way to create and distribute your podcast!Kenn Edwards: @hashtagkennfluenceThe Alex Jonestown Massacre: IG- @thealexjonestownmassacreSpotify - Dad Comedy Pod IG: @deaddadcomedypodWinston Hodges Twitter/IG: @WinstonhcomedyAmber Hendrix IG: @amberjack86...more1h 10minPlay
March 14, 2020Funeraltation (Nobody Laugh at Amber's Visitation)Listen to Amber and Winston dive deep into the funerals and visitations of their fathers. Amber has an issue with laughter, and Winston is reminded why an ex showing up isn't the worst thing in the world. Sponsored by Anchor by Spotify! The best way to create and distribute your podcast!Dead Dad Comedy Pod: IG @deaddadcomedypodWinston Hodges Twitter/IG: @WinstonhcomedyAmber Hendrix IG: @amberjack86...more34minPlay
March 07, 2020Jason Kusterer Finally Goes To TherapyAmber and Winston have their first guest! Jason Kusterer (Home Sweet Home open mic, Dirt Merchant) joins them to talk them through the grief of losing a significant other. They compare and contrast, go through the grief, and see how he is feeling today.Sponsored by Anchor by Spotify. The best way to create and distribute your podcast!Winston Hodges IG/Twitter: @winstonhcomedyAmber Hendrix IG: @amberjack86Jason Kusterer IG/twitter: @dickcheney420 website: jason kusterer.comDirt
FAQs about Dead Dad Comedy Pod:How many episodes does Dead Dad Comedy Pod have?The podcast currently has 32 episodes available.