Garrett and Ryan dive into a topic that is usually not equated with wellness: EDUCATION!
How the education system in America was created to serve the industrial revolution, not the technological revolution
Why good intentions do not always create good outcomes
What the education system has to do with the health, happiness, and sovereignty of future generations
The hidden connections between education, parenting, and politics
The double-edged sword of technology in the classroom and at home
What parents and educators need to know now about the future of the workforce so that we are not setting our kids up for failure
Practical solutions to implement and abstract questions to start thinking about
We are passionate about this topic, but we are NOT experts on it. We are down in the trenches with you, trying to figure out the path forward to a better future. Even if you don’t have kids, we all have a vested interest in younger generations. They will be the ones running things in the future! If you’re ready to join the conversation on education, give this one a listen, send us your comments, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did!