Despite the damage to Tranquility, it still limps towards Cel. The Crew make their plans to land. However, in order to rescue his wife from suspended animation in the Insurgent-controlled Cryobay, Howard makes a bargain with Talia...
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Capt. William Shepherd - Christopher Bauer
Prof. Michael McAllen - John Philby
Dylan Sorensen - Alan Hawthorne
Ens. Zoey Hammond - Monica Kelly
Talia's Emissary - Kacper Podgórski
Talia Vargas - Kiarah Poole
Dr. DeShawn Howard - Quincy Speaks
Cmdr. Charlotte Harker - Pandora's Whispers
Ens. Lambert - Thomas Cassidy
Insurgent - Samir Antar
Hira Howard - Amelia Woods
Voice of SAINT - Erin Sawyer
Announcer - Esther Moriarty
Script, Sound Design, Music and Production by Mute.