In this thought provoking conversation I’m sitting down with renowned Energy Medicine Master, Dr. Doug Lehrer. Dr. Lehrer is the pioneer behind Cellular Resonance Quantum Healing (CRQH). His profound understanding of holistic wellness transcends traditional approaches, guiding individuals through transformative experiences that rejuvenate not only the body but also the mind, spirit, and emotions.
Dr. Lehrer is a Master Quantum Healer, board certified Doctor of Chiropractic and Quantum Medicine Doctor by the American Naturopathic Medical Board. Through his unique approach, Dr. Lehrer has helped entrepreneurs, CEO’s, doctors, athletes, Hollywood celebrities, royalty, as well as parents, children and teens DE-stress and activate their innate powers to heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, to go on to live healthy, productive, and soul-aligned lives.
A visionary author of The 7 Quantum Healing Secrets and Founder of the Lehrer School of Energy Medicine Mastery, Dr. Lehrer teaches holistic health practitioners his Cellular Resonance Quantum Healing, that helps the practitioners find and resolve the emotional stress, trauma, epigenetic generational patterns and negative thoughts, that are the primary cause of pain, illness, anxiety, depression and stubborn weight conditions.
Dr. Lehrer has conducted over 500,000 patient sessions in his Los Angeles, CA offices and in international healing destinations around the world.
***To receive Dr Lehrer’s free guide to Quantum Healing