In today's society, we have no depth in identification. We use shallow things to identify who we are such as gender, skin, hair, age. I am one who trusts in the Lord. It should effect my speech, my relationships, my decisions, my ethics, and my attitudes. The only group of people, who can be hurt again and again and the perpetrators feel justified, is followers of Jesus Christ. You never hear people called Christian-phobics or chruch-phobics. When you are grounded in truth, you don't have to run and hide, but can stand ready for the assault. Yes, we believe in conspiracies, because men are evil and Satan exists. They want to destroy what God has created. David: "I put my trust in the Lord." Man is God's highest creation and the ones they want to destroy the most is the man who trusts God, None of their attmepts can overthrow His throne. God is not oblivious to what is going on. Once we realize our role is not to solve/prevent man's evil, but to disassociate from it. We are going to step away from your evil and invite you to our rock of truth. If you are standing in sin with them, you cannot invite them to the truth because you have compromised the truth. While the wicked seek to destory the righteous, they also destroy themselves while trying to trap you. While the wicked hate those with truth, they hate their own soul and the wicked they do. The Lord tests the righteous and destroys the wicked. Will you stand the testing or be destoyred as wicked? Love righteousness.